Nimbu pani, also known as shikanji or shikanjavi is a homemade drink and it replenishes everything that you lose in summer. Generally called lemon water, it is different from lemon soda. One of the most quintessential drinks to have in summer, you should drink nimbu pani, considering it is easy to make and quickly charges your body. If you travel a lot, nimbu pani is your savior.
Lemon is known to be a highly versatile citrus fruit. This small fruit is full of health benefits. In summer, you lose a lot of energy from your body in the form of sweat. Dehydration takes away your energy and you feel like a battery with no power. But nimbu pani brings you back to life. Hence, you should drink nimbu in summer to avoid dehydration. This drink is the best and the easiest way to stay hydrated.

Not only drinking nimbu pani in summer is good, but it has several health benefits as well other than just keeping your body hydrated and energized. Here in this blog – post, we will discuss some reasons why you should drink nimbu pani in summer.
Reasons why you should drink nimbu pani – Health Benefit of Drinking Lemon Water
A glass of nimbu pani the morning energize your body so that you can fight against the unfavorable climate for the whole day. You should drink nimbu pani in summer regularly if you want to beat the heat. Apart from nimbu pani, there are some fruits which you should eat in summer.
Drinking nimbu pani in summer revitalizes your senses
If there is anything that can revitalize your mind and body, the best option you have is nimbu pani. When you drink nimbu pani, it removes impurities and toxins from your body. Once you toxins are flushed out, your body will be more refreshed and you will feel good.

Drinking nimbu pani hydrates your body
Dehydration is a common problem in summers. If you are someone who loses all the body electrolytes and other important minerals too easily in summer, you should drink nimbu pani in summer every day. Nimbu pani fills your body rejuvenates whatever loss has caused to you by the high temperature.

Drinking nimbu pani is good for the skin
Summer not only leaves you dehydrated but also affects your skin. Drinking nimbu pani also works as anti-aging agent. It removes toxins from the body. The skin gets cleaned and feels more alive and fresh. It also avoids blackheads and wrinkles. The skin glows due to Vitamin C in lemon. The vitamins and antioxidants present in lemon are good for the skin.

Drinking nimbu pani reduces hunger strikes
When you are feeling hungry and you need pushes you to consume anything which is high in calories, you should drink nimbu pani in summer. There are fibers in lemon. This provides relief to your body and avoids unnecessary hunger attacks.

Drinking nimbu pani cleans the liver
Have you ever imagined that nimbu pani can even clean the liver from toxins? You should drink nimbu pani in summer since drinking nimbu pani in summer stimulates the bile production in the liver. This removes toxins from the body. Lemon juice also avoids the formation of gallstones.

Drinking nimbu pani helps in digestion
You may encounter frequent digestive disorder in summer. You should drink nimbu pani in summer if you have face problems with an upset stomach. Nimbu pani is a good source of Vitamin C which is great for digestion. If you have heartburn, belching, diarrhea, or bloating, you should drink nimbu pani.

Drinking lemon water avoids the formation of kidney stone
Lemon contains citric acid. This acid avoids the formation of kidney stones. If you want to get rid of kidney stones, you should drink nimbu pani in summer. The citrate found in lemon doesn’t let the formation of calcium stones take place in the kidney. It can also break down such small stones and can be moved out of the body.

Lemon water contains a high amount of potassium which helps your body in maintaining the blood pressure. This means it avoids high blood pressure or hypertension. Lemon water contains a good amount of flavonoids and lemon acts as an antiseptic antibiotic. Hence, you should drink nimbu water in summer every morning to avoid several infections.
Nimbu pani can easily be prepared. You just need a lemon, sugar & salt for taste, and chilled water and you are ready to go. Instead of drinking fizzy drinks or other beverages, you should drink nimbu pani.