Do you know 7th July is celebrated as World Chocolate Day? Chocolate is a favourite of everyone, from kids of adults. No one avoids it. An amazing comfort food, chocolate comes in several forms, wrapped as solid and also as a liquid. Chocolate is also known to enhance (stimulate) mood. This food has a sweet relation with the relationship. So, this food, being full of sugar and calorie, is good for your health or not? There are certain health risks of consuming chocolates but let us here talk about the health benefits of eating dark chocolate. There have been studies and researches all over and from time to time, it has been reported that chocolate doesn’t just heal the broken hearts; the dark chocolate benefits your health in several ways. And the reason is the rich presence of cacao which chocolate its chocolate taste. There are several chemicals found in it such as theobromine and flavonoids etc. which fight against many diseases. No doubt, eating dark chocolate is healthy for the body. So, without any delay, let us have a look at the health benefits of eating dark chocolates.

List of Health Benefits of Eating Dark Chocolate:
Chocolate comes with several mood influence chemicals, caffeine, tryptophan, tyrosine, etc. Note that dark chocolate is healthier than milk chocolate, as it contains antioxidants and has less fat content. Consuming a small amount of dark chocolate can help improve health and change your mood. Well, there are many health benefits of eating dark chocolate and we are listing here some of the major benefits which your body gets by eating dark chocolate.
Eating Dark Chocolate keeps your health healthy
It has been studied that consuming dark chocolate can keep your heart healthier. Dark chocolate can cut down the heart problems. In a study in Germany, consuming a piece of dark chocolate every day (square) can reduce the risks of heart attack, stroke (as per a study in Finland), and low blood pressure. Thus, there are several health benefits of eating dark chocolates. It also helps the WBC to avoid sticking to the blood vessel walls which is a common cause of artery-clogging.

Do you know eating dark chocolate can help you lose weight?
Well, that’s weird. It may even shock you how eating dark chocolate can help you lose weight. But a study conducted at the University of Copenhagen states that dark chocolate offers a feeling of satiety as compared to other forms of chocolates. If you consume a small amount of dark chocolate, it will cut down your cravings for salty, fatty, and sweet foods. Never thought that there are great health benefits of eating dark chocolate.

Dark chocolate is packed with minerals
There are several minerals that are essential for body growth and are found in dark chocolate. This comfort food contains selenium, zinc, potassium, etc. A 100g dark chocolate bar has 67% of RDA of iron. Thus, there are great health benefits of eating dark chocolate every day.
Dark chocolate can prevent diabetes.
Okay! This isn’t a joke. A study conducted in Italy found that the participants who consumed dark chocolate every day for two weeks found a great change in their insulin resistance, which was dropped to half nearly. In the words of the lead researcher, Claudio Ferri, MD, “Flavonoids helps in increasing the production of nitric oxide. Mr. Ferri is a professor at the University of L’Aquila in Italy.

Dark chocolate can benefit brain
The Health benefits of eating dark chocolates aren’t just limited to mood change. Epicatechin is a chemical that can protect the brain. It avoids the production of sticky proteins (amyloid plaques) which may lead to Alzheimer’s disease. This chemical is found in cocoa from which dark chocolate is made. Dark chocolates are anti-inflammatory which can help against brain injuries (concussion).
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Eating dark chocolate reduces stress, changes your mood.
Dark chocolate is a fiber source. It releases stress and fills you up. It lightens up with the mood and makes you feel happy. Eating dark chocolate reduces the level of stress hormones also mitigates the metabolic effects of stress. People eat chocolate during relationship breakups as well. So, it is better to eat dark chocolate instead of anything else. Dark chocolate also stimulates the production of endorphin leading to happy feelings. The presence of PEA (Phenylethylamine) in chocolate makes you feel good. It is the same chemical that is secreted when you are in love.
Eating dark chocolate can fight sunburn
As per a study based in London, several women were given dark chocolates with a high content of flavanol. Later on, it was found that they were able to avoid UV light without any sunburn, in comparison to others. Dark chocolate has also been proved to be good for your skin. The flavonoids antioxidants present in dark chocolate prevent skin from damage by the sun.

Eating dark chocolate can help in better vision
Dark chocolate helps in improving the blood flow. As per the research conducted at the University of Reading in 2011, dark chocolate can also improve vision as it increases blood flow to the retina.
Dark chocolates can reduce cholesterol
Studies have shown that the levels of LDL (bad cholesterol) can be reduced by consuming cocoa. Plus, the same also increases the good cholesterol level. Thus, there are fewer chances of cardiovascular diseases.
Dark chocolates can provide relief in Diarrhea
It has been found that cocoa has been used for the treatment of diarrhea for a long. The practice dates back to the 16th century in European and South American countries. The scientists at Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute have reported that flavonoids found in a cocoa bind with a special kind of protein. This protein is responsible for regulating the secretion of fluid in the small intestine.

So, from the points mentioned above, you must have understood that there are several health benefits of eating dark chocolates. Though, these points aren’t my personal findings I have read several other food and health blog for writing this blog post (links are given below). But all of these points speak of the health benefits of eating dark chocolates. Certainly, there are harms too due to the consumption of dark chocolate in access, which I will cover later. What do you think about the health benefit of eating dark chocolate? Are you a dark chocolate lover? Do let me know in the comment section below.