Make sure that you have enough cash when you come to Sarkidhar. Though local shops have started to accept UPI payments but still at places, you will require cash only. Rewalsar is the main town. And, for every basic requirement, that’s where you have to go. So, it’s better to pack accordingly. There is no medical shop, departmental store, clinic, fruit shops, etc. Everything is in Rewalsar. There were no restaurants in Sarkidhar (when I was there). You will only get a local tea+snack shop. Also, there is a Maggi stall on the way to Sarkidhar from Rewalsar. Next to that stall, after a few hundred meters, there is a sweet shop where. Wherever you roam around or hike to the temple, make sure that you carry enough water. Chances are you won’t find a water source on the way…